District 16 Staff Directory

Brendan T. Mims

Brendan T. Mims began his career in New York City Schools as a high school Earth Science teacher in Brooklyn, later becoming assistant principal of that same school. In 2012, he joined the Office of Teacher Effectiveness supporting the implementation of teacher evaluation. Most recently, he was the founding principal of MS358 in Queens where he was awarded the 2022 National Principal of the Year by the Magnet Schools of America (MSA). Mims served as MS358’s principal until becoming Brooklyn Community District 16 Superintendent in July 2022.

Mims believes that all students deserve a high-quality education and is working to cultivate community and build a solid district 16 foundation grounded in Empathy, Equity, Engagement, and Excellence, commonly known as the district’s 4E’s. The 4Es’s support developing leadership capacity and a district culture that is inclusive, caring and committed to continual growth and excellence. Superintendent Mims believes that all children can thrive and achieve regardless of race, social status, gender, language, orientation, nationality, religion, or ability.

Superintendent Mims was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. He is honored to carry the torch of leadership, service, and excellence in education instilled and passed on to him by his mother, Brenda, who was a teacher in Brooklyn. Mims is a proud father, husband, brother, son and friend. One of his favorite quotes is “Sky above me, Earth below me, Fire within me.”

Lenika Photo

Lenika Vane
Executive Director

Executive Director of School Support and Operations Ms. Lenika Vane is responsible for establishing structures and systems to support the work of the superintendent in improving academic achievement for all students, and to ensure that there is consistent and strategic implementation of programs that differentiate instructional and operational supports to district schools, to improve academic outcomes of all students.

Ms. Vane brings a wealth of diverse professional experience to her current role as well as 24 years of service which she uses supporting the district’s vision and mission for serving all stakeholders.

Prior to joining district 16 as the Executive Director of School Support and Operations, Lenika held multiple leadership roles within New York City Public Schools including previously serving as an Elementary School Principal, Director of School Renewal, Teacher Development and Evaluation Coach for D19, and classroom teacher.

She earned a B.A. Degree in Elementary Education at Long Island University, a M.S. in Educational Leadership and Technology at Adelphi University and participated in Harvard Business School Online Leadership Management Certification Program.

Lenika is a native of Trinidad and Tobago. Her purpose and focus as an educator are centered on equitable school improvement. The success of her work has been rooted in a culture of support and service.

Stephen Armada
Academic Policy, Performance, and Assessment Lead (APPA)

As the District 16 APPA, Stephen supports school staff around STARS Programming, ATS, and all assessment related exercises whether it be ELA/math assessments to Regents and NYSAA assessments.

Stephen has been working in the NYC Department of education for the past 17 years. He began working as a Substitute Teacher as he earned his master's degree in childhood education at CUNY Brooklyn College. His first appointed job was as a 3rd grade teacher teaching all subjects in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, NY. After teaching 3rd grade, Stephen switched gears and then accepted a job as the Technology Teacher for grades K-5 at the same school. After teaching Technology, Stephen was offered the position of Achievement Coach in a network in Brooklyn. Stephen then earned his SBL license via the College of Saint Rose. He then accepted a position as an APPA and has been an APPA the past 8 years. He is very passionate about the APPA job and supporting new and seasoned school leaders. He never forgot what it was like working in a school building which is why he goes above and beyond to support District 16 schools to make tasks easier and streamlined.

Stephen was born in Brooklyn and graduated from E.R. Murrow High School back when Saul Bruckner was the Principal. He earned his bachelor’s degree from SUNY Cortland in Psychology. He then went on to earn his master's degree in childhood Ed from CUNY Brooklyn College. Lastly, he received his SBL license from the College of Saint Rose (CITE). Stephen comes from a family of educators. His mom and dad actually met and got married while they worked as teachers in Brooklyn. Stephen always heard about education at the dinner table his whole life which influenced his decision to become an educator. In Stephen's free time you can find him deep sea fishing off the coast of Gloucester, Massachusetts. Stephen also enjoys cooking the fish that he catches and sharing it with friends and family. Stephen loves his Goddaughter, Veronika very much and spoils her any chance he gets. He also loves to travel and explores a new Continent on each vacation.

Barry Bullis
District Achievement Instructional Specialist-English Language Arts (ELA)

Barry Bullis serves D16 as a District Achievement Instructional Specialist (DAIS) with a concentration in literacy and special education.  Barry supports the implementation, revision, and improvement of literacy practices in D16 schools for the success of all learners.  He provides professional learning across the district and also provides individualized in-school support.  Barry is passionate about ensuring all students are equipped with the skills necessary to achieve, while also experiencing engaging and relevant educational experiences that will ensure success in any life endeavor.  

Barry comes to District 16 after serving as an instructional coach for the Brooklyn North Borough Office, a short stint at New York City Public Schools Central Office (commonly known as Tweed), and as a special education improvement coach on a network.  Before returning to NYC Public Schools in 2012, Barry was principal for 7 years at a school for children with physical and cognitive disabilities in NJ.  He is in his 31st year in education and was a middle school self-contained teacher before transitioning into administration. He has a background in early literacy and literacy interventions, and students with learning, emotional, and intellectual disabilities and visual impairments. 

Besides his role with the NYC Public Schools, Barry has spent the last 18 years teaching NYC Teaching Fellows at a nearby university. Barry holds degrees in special education, reading teacher, school and district administration, and has an advanced degree in literacy education. Barry lives in NJ with his husband and 5 children.  In his spare time he enjoys reading and spending as much time outdoors, especially by the ocean.

Mariem Cisse
Administrative Secretary

Mariem Cisse serves as District 16’s Administrative Secretary. She provides clerical and administrative support to the Executive Leadership and District 16 teams.  Her responsibilities include record keeping( personnel files, district team and principal timekeeping, purchase orders, district calendar of events, principal and teacher tenure binders), scheduling and calendaring, managing and maintaining confidential information, principal conference sponsorship and preparation (attendance sheets, logistics and set-up), office reception (visitors, phone calls), office reception (greeting visitors via phone and in-person), office operations (mail, supply inventory and distribution, and organization), and communications support,  ensuring seamlessness and efficiency for the superintendent and team.

Beyond her work for Brooklyn District 16, Mariem enjoys spending time with family, cooking, technology, and learning new things. In living life to the fullest Mariem appreciates Michelle Obama’s words,  “Don’t be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered.”

Camelia Brogdon-Cruz
Family Leadership Coordinator

Camelia Brogdon-Cruz serves to assist the Superintendent with implementing governance regulations, work with all district-related committees, parent leaders, and staff. Brogdon-Cruz provides support and professional development to the school and district parent leadership structures, including PTA/PAs, SLTs, DLT, CEC, Title I Committees, and the District Presidents’ Council.

When not working in brilliant Bed-Stuy, Camelia loves spending time with her family. One of Camelia's favorite quotes is from Audrey Hepburn, and it states, “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”

Robert Cinardi
District Clerical and Technology Specialist

Robert Cinardi comes to Brooklyn District 16 after years of service in Harlem where he worked with New York City Public School’s legal teams and other cross-functional teams in to service the parents and children moving through suspension sites. Cinardi supports the Executive Leadership and District 16 teams in a variety of clerical and administrative functions. His professional skills and interests include technology, health, and gaming. He enjoys working with people and problem-solving.

Outside of his work with District 16, Robert engages in health and fitness activities, gaming, and spending time with his mother. Robert was born and raised in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn.

Omotayo Cineus
Borough Attendance Supervisor

Omotayo Cole Cineus is a 28-year veteran of the Department of Education and a 30+ year educator. Born and raised in Brooklyn, Omotayo served 16 years in District 13, 7 years in District 28, 4 years in Brooklyn North BCO and now the beginning of year 2 in District 16. During her time in the DOE, she served young people as a teacher, coordinator, dean, assistant principal, principal and now district administrator. Omotayo's commitment to young people and education is evident throughout her life.

Omotayo serves in youth ministry, various educational committees, consultation, as well as coordinates workshops and creates programming for children and families in her church and community; her servant leadership style, passion for equity and cultural relevance is demonstrated in her support work in District 16. As an ordained Reverend, all of what Omotayo is and does is for her love of God, her children and her call to serve and impact the lives of youth. A quote that aligns with who Omotayo lives and how she lives each day is, "We (each) have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach."-Romans 12:6-7

Una-Kariim A. Cross
Director of Communications and Professional Learning

Una-Kariim A. Cross is a dynamic education and communications professional. She is a visionary content producer and educator whose life's work includes the intersections of education, art, technology, storytelling, and social justice. She serves as D 16’s Director of Communications and leads the district's strategic internal and external communications and messaging as aligned with the Chancellor’s vision, the district’s vision, and in support of sustainable opportunity and promise for the District 16 community. Una-Kariim serves to lead and support district-community growth and interconnectedness through contemporary, historical, and intergenerational engagement opportunities, professional learning and capacity building for district talent, and instructional leadership coaching. Una-Kariim loves connecting the dots in ways that support individual and community growth, excellence, and thriving.

Her professional licensure and certifications include NYS English Language Arts (ELA), Students with Disabilities, and School Building Leadership. She taught ELA and Art Criticism in D16 at a Bedford-Stuyvesant High School before transitioning into citywide, district, and central leadership roles. Una-Kariim was selected as a Whitney Museum of Art Education Fellow and Media Artist in Residence at the Wexner Center for the Arts. She is a published writer and photographer, serves as an adjunct professor at Hunter College, and is a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc.

Una-Kariim is a long-time member of the Bedford-Stuyvesant and Hudson Valley communities. She was born and raised in Lansing, MI and calls Brooklyn home. She spent her formative years between Mississippi and Maryland; thus the 3 M’s + Brooklyn, and of course her family, made her who she is today. Una-Kariim comes from a long-line of educators, entrepreneurs, community and business leaders. She believes in living with integrity and optimism. A quote of significant influence is by one of her favorite writers, the late, great Toni Morrison which states, “Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined.” Una-Kariim was raised to be a definer through servant-leadership. She is grateful for the opportunity to serve during this defining moment in education, and in Brooklyn Community School District 16, as we strive to provide excellent, innovative, and forward thinking learning experiences that children and families deserve.

Caihua Huang
Multilingual and English Language Learner Administrator

Caihua Huang has been a NYC Public School educator for over twenty years, serving in many capacities - an elementary and middle school classroom teacher, school building leader, literacy specialist (supervisor), and an ENL support specialist supporting schools and teachers across the city.  In her current role as a Multilingual and English Language Learner administrator, she supports leaders with data literacy and literacy instruction as well as Federal and State compliance as well as instruction.

Caihua grew up in Brooklyn and attended NYC Public Schools. Her passion for becoming an educator stemmed from her experiences as a child.

Lauren Levine
Student Services Manager

Born and raised in Syosset, Long Island, Lauren Levine’s personal education journey began by briefly leaving New York to pursue her education at the University of Florida.  Returning, in September 2001, Levin embarked on her career with New York City Public Schools. Guided by her belief in educating the whole child, Levine strove to create caring and supportive environments where each student can actively participate in the learning process. Levine is a firm advocate for providing every child the opportunity to breathe, move, and meditate, as it helps them acknowledge and manage their emotions effectively and make more skillful choices throughout their lives.

With certifications as a 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher and a 95-hour Registered Children's Yoga Teacher, Levine seamlessly integrates yoga and mindfulness into her daily work. Her passion lies in teaching all members of the school and district communities the importance of incorporating breath, movement, and meditation into their lives. 

Levine is a co-founder and creator of the Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Preparation Program (YMTP²), where she has had the privilege of facilitating Yoga and Mindfulness Overviews, Yoga and Mindful Intensives, Mindful De-Escalation and Mindful Breath Practice professional learning opportunities. Additionally, she has co-facilitated 95-hour School-Based Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher Preparation Programs through YMTP², training and certifying more than 300 educators across our city.  Lauren serves to support Brooklyn Community District 16 by leading and facilitating professional learning on yoga and mindfulness, de-escalation and other social emotional development strategies, while supporting school leaders and families around counseling, crisis, and school culture and climate.  

Marji Parker
District Achievement Instructional Specialist- STEM

Marji Parker is a Science/STEM instructional specialist bringing over 15 years of combined experience as a middle school science teacher and instructional coach to her work.  She collaborates with leaders and teachers to support science professional learning, ILTs, and teacher teams, as well as science curriculum and instruction with Amplify K-8, New Visions Biology and Earth Science, OpenSciEd, and CRT and the Brain.  Marji enjoys opportunities to support educators with fostering students' natural curiosity and creativity through exploring the world around them, and investigating questions that are relevant to them.  She collaborated with the New Visions Science curriculum team for a National Science Teaching Association conference presentation, was in one of the first cohorts of the Urban Advantage Science Program, and earned a Master's in Education at Brooklyn College, with a middle school Science concentration.

As part of the D16 team, Marji also supports career and technical education and family empowerment through our MBK STEM programs, Makeosity and RoboFun; as well as school gardening, digital learning, and iReady.  She enjoys Bed-Stuy neighborhood walks, especially on the "greenest blocks" in Brooklyn.  When Marji is not supporting our D16 schools, you might find her reading, spending time with her husband and daughter, church, family, or taking a walk. 

Iris Rivas
Family Support Coordinator

Iris Rivas serves as a case manager for Brooklyn District 16 families. Rivas manages and addresses concerns, issues, and inquiries with professionalism and care.  Rivas leads progress monitoring of individual cases via the P-311 system from start to conclusion.  Rivas takes pride in ensuring timely updates to families as well as documenting and escalating family, community, and school concerns in collaboration with the Superintendent, Principals Family Leadership and Parent Coordinators, as well as other various cross-functional New York City Public School offices and teams. 

One of Rivas’ favorite quotes comes from Jane D. Hull and it states, “At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.”

Lais Santos
Senior Administrator of Special Education

Lais  (l’eye’-EESS) Santos has worked as a Senior Administrator of Special Education for the NYC Department of Education since October 2021. She started her career in education as a high school special education teacher in the Bronx. Lais has extensive experience supporting schools with developing and refining their School Implementation Teams to ensure the ongoing growth and development of inclusive school communities that meet the needs of students with disabilities in the areas of Access, Behavior, Quality IEPs, and Transition.

In 2020 Lais graduated from NYU with her master's degree in educational leadership and received her School Building Leader Certificate issued by the New York State Department of Education. She also earned her M.S. in Adolescent Education: Students with Disabilities from St. John’s University. Lais is a passionate innovator who works to build sustainable systems and structures while dismantling persistent and embedded inequities in public schools. Lais believes that using and leveraging data ultimately empowers schools to improve student outcomes for students with learning differences.

Lais is a first-generation Brazilian American from Astoria, Queens. She speaks fluent Brazilian Portuguese. She currently resides in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. Lais is a self-proclaimed foodie. In her spare time, she enjoys snacking on coxinhas from Petisco Brazuca on Dekalb Avenue.

Katie Vitale
Teacher Development and Evaluation Coach (TDEC)

Katie Vitale was born and raised in Michigan. She fell in love with Brooklyn in 2008 when she moved here to begin her teaching career as a middle school ELA educator.  Katie has served with New York City Public Schools for 15 years and is a graduate of the Bank Street College of Education Leadership in the Arts, and a former Big Apple Awards recipient.  Katie enjoys working closely with our incredible D16 Principals and Assistant Principals to provide professional learning and job-embedded support for teacher development and evaluation.  She finds joy in partnering with teachers and teacher leaders to coordinate the District 16 Engagement Ambassador Teacher Labsite Program and is grateful that her roles in D16 as the Debate coordinator and Gifted and Talented/Accelerated Learning Coordinator allow her the opportunity to do meaningful work that she is especially passionate about; providing challenging, project-based, authentic, and constructivist learning opportunities with strong literary leanings to all students.