Superintendent’s Message

Greeting Parents, Families, and Community,

I am excited to enter year two as superintendent of Brooklyn Community School District 16. We closed the year 2022-2023 school year celebrating a win; we set the bar as the #1 district in New York City for servicing our students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP). We also increased our overall attendance by +2% while reducing chronic absenteeism by 12%.

This year, we will continue working to attain our goals within these two metrics while focusing on literacy across all subject areas in alignment with Chancellor Banks’ NYC Reads to ensure that literacy and reading are our core focus.

District 16 has bold goals to ensure that each of our students has access to bright futures. We are preparing students for success and building capacity across our district 16 team of educators, leaders, and parents to pass the baton. In doing so, we will focus on high quality instruction in literacy and mathematics, continue providing high quality IEP services, focusing on attendance and reducing chronic absenteeism, while being responsive to parent and community needs. It is all hands-on deck as we lead to succeed. We cannot do this work alone and we invite you, our parents and families and community stakeholders, to join us as we lead with empathy and equity to facilitate the interconnected engagement that grows and expands excellence in our students, ourselves, and our community.

Brendan T. Mims, Superintendent